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Meet your Coach: Hi, I’m SJ

Welcome! If you’ve arrived here, it’s likely because your wellbeing and work are deeply intertwined and hold significant importance in your life.

Imagine living in perfect alignment—a life where your ambitions are nurtured, your values are reflected, and you’re propelled towards both personal and professional achievements. That sense of fulfilment is incredibly powerful, yet it can often feel like it’s slipping away under the weight of mounting pressures or an imbalance between work and wellbeing.

As a professional coach, my mission is to help those who are quietly ambitious to not just survive, but truly thrive. I’m here to guide you in uncovering your potential by dismantling the barriers that hinder your progress. Together, we’ll craft a sustainable action plan tailored to your unique talents, values, and aspirations.

My approach is all about realigning your focus and challenging the limiting beliefs that hold you back. It’s about honouring your integrity and embracing your authentic self to pursue goals that invigorate rather than deplete you. Achieving this balance is not only possible—it’s essential for maintaining your

happiness and wellbeing.

With a background in Education and Performing Arts, I understand the fast-paced whirlwind of careers that can leave you yearning for alignment and escapism. I also recognise the transformative power of consistent coaching in reframing limiting beliefs, reshaping perspectives, and reconnecting you to your true purpose.

Wherever you are on your journey, I’m here to equip you with the strategies, resilience, and self-belief you need to create a life you genuinely love.


Let’s embark on this path together and transform your aspirations into reality.


Nurturing Growth

My coaching is a blend of creative exercises, purposeful strategies, gentle accountability and a strong emphasis on developing a mindset for growth. I specialise in coaching programmes tailored for quietly ambitious creatives, ranging from young professionals, entrepreneurs and professionals

to Neuroinclusion advocates. 

Why work with me?

If you're someone who thrives on achieving goals without needing the spotlight, you're in the right place. 

Here's what Norda can do for you:

1.     Your Blueprint, Your Way: I get it - your journey is as unique as your ambitions. My coaching is all about tailoring strategies that fit your style, helping you navigate the roadblocks and opportunities that matter most to you.


2.     Embrace Your Strengths: Together, we'll shine a light on your strengths, honing in on what makes you exceptional. I'm here to help you harness these qualities to fuel your success, in your own quietly confident way.


3.     Strategies Made for You: There’s no need to change who you are. Coaching will equip you with realistic strategies and refine your approach so you can step forward with assurance and finesse.


4.     Real Results, Real Growth: Our journey together isn't about vague promises. With commitment, expect to see tangible shifts that mirror your ambitions, no matter how gently you pursue them.


5.     Safe Space for Growth: Our sessions are your sanctuary. It's where you can freely express your ambitions, voice any concerns and tackle barriers, all in a supportive, non-judgemental space dedicated solely to your growth.


If you're ready, let's connect.

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Image by Christin Hume


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