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Image by Artem Kovalev



Learn about Neuroinclusion

Elevate awareness, promote inclusivity and co-create a future where individuals and organisations thrive in a culture of acceptance and advocacy


Understanding Neuroinclusion: Neuroinclusion is about recognising and accommodating
the diverse range of neurological profiles present in our workforce. Embracing
Neuroinclusion is essential to unlocking potential and driving innovation within your

The Social Model of Disability: In the context of Neuroinclusion, Norda focuses on the Social
Model of Disability. This model shifts the focus from individuals to how society,
and its structures, create barriers to inclusion. Understanding this model is crucial for building an
environment that empowers and supports neurodivergent and disabled individuals.

Creating an Inclusive Culture: Building an inclusive culture starts with awareness and
education. At Norda, I offer tailored programmmes and workshops designed to enlighten your
workforce about Neuroinclusion. 

Implementing Neuroinclusive Practices: Our strategies focus on practical implementation. From recruitment processes that mitigate biases, company training and coaching programmes customised to support neurodivergent employees, we provide actionable steps rooted in inclusive practices.


Celebrating Success and Measuring Impact: Norda can guide you in measuring the impact of your Neuroinclusion efforts and ways to assess their influence on employee wellbeing, engagement and innovation.


Join the Neuroinclusion Movement: By embracing Neuroinclusion, your organisation not only demonstrates a commitment to diversity but also establishes a culture of inclusion that drives change. Join Norda in creating a workplace where every individual's unique strengths are valued and where diversity is the foundation of excellence.


Were here to help.

Norda is proud to offer a comprehensive range of services designed to meet a diverse array of needs.

Image by Tyler Lastovich


Image by Christin Hume


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